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Searching for a New Home Page 6

  "Did you take anything out of Ms. Bowen's SUV that night Billy?"

  "I don't remember" says Billy.

  Jacob looks at his notes, "Well, Billy, I think you should know that we found your fingerprints ..."

  "No you didn't, I was wearing gloves!" cries Billy.

  "You didn't let me finish Billy. We found your fingerprints on the blue tooth headset that you hocked at Glenn's Pawn and Gun shop ... the same blue tooth headset that you took from the console of Jana Bowen's SUV in the parking lot that night. We have the transaction at Glenn's on video. Since we know that headset was in the console along with her 9MM Glock, it stands to reason that you took the gun too."

  Billy is sweating profusely now. "You ain't got nothing on me! I took the headset but there weren't no gun in that car!!"

  "You're sure a gun wasn't in the car?" asks Jacob.

  "Very sure," replies Billy.

  Jacob thanks Billy and walks out of the room as the sheriff comes in to escort Billy back to his cell. When Bill Hargess returns to the office, Jacob asks "Did you get that on video?"

  "Yes and the prosecutor witnessed it too" replies the sheriff.

  About that time the prosecutor joins them in the office and says, "Well, Jacob, it sounds like there may be more to this case than I first thought. Do you really have video of the transaction at Glenn's and how do you know the headset was hers?"

  Jacob replies, "I picked up the video this morning and the headset matches the exact description of the one she said was taken from her console right down to the scratches caused when she dropped it on pavement. The timeline fits too."

  "How about the gun powder residue? How do you explain that?" asks the prosecutor.

  "All of the information is in the Discovery packet that I dropped off at your office this morning. I got a copy of the sign in log from The Bullet Trap in Bozeman verifying that she was there that very morning for target practice. She had to register and show her CHL from Texas to be allowed to practice."

  "If the gun wasn't in the console of her car, who do you think took it out? Maybe she had it in her purse all along."

  "She says she put it in the console when she left The Bullet Trap" responds Jason.

  "What about the person that supposedly yelled Frank Gibbons name and distracted him? Any idea who that was?" asks the prosecutor.

  "I don't have a clue about that one. But if I had to guess, I would look for the person or persons in that dark sedan. Rest assured though that Billy Bragg will be at the top of the defense witness list at the trial. Bill, I'll expect a copy of that video by tomorrow." states Jacob

  Jacob drives straight to the airport in Butte. While he is waiting for the pilot to finish preparing the jet for his return flight he places a call to the private investigator Tom Christensen.

  "Tom, this is Jacob Murray."

  "Hey Jacob, what's up?" asks Tom Christenson.

  Jacob thanks him for the information and video from Glenn's on the blue tooth headset and then tells Tom about his interview with Billy Bragg. He asks him to try to locate the person or persons from the dark sedan. He explains that he has reason to believe that Jana was followed not only by Frank Gibbons in his beat up blue pickup but also by an unknown person in a dark sedan. He asks him to check as many surveillance videos as he can get his hands on to see if the dark sedan appears. He is especially interested in seeing if the sedan shows up on anything from the truck stop, the hotel, The Bullet Trap in Bozeman or the restaurant in Dillon. Time is short so he asks him to hurry.

  Tom tells Jacob everything he has learned about Jana's movements from the time she arrived at the truck stop until she was arrested in Dillon Montana. He traced her movements through cell phone records.

  Jacob and Tom have been friends and associates for years. He knows Tom has connections in the security industry that will allow him access to information that even law enforcement has difficulty getting their hands on.

  With the information provided by Billy Bragg, Jacob is now confident that he can secure an acquittal based on reasonable doubt for Jana. But he wants to know who killed Frank Gibbons. He wants to be sure Jana isn't in any danger. If someone is after Jana for some reason, Dani could also be a target.


  The video of his interview with Billy Bragg arrives at the ranch early the next morning by special courier. After I view the video I verify the information is accurate as far as I know. I am thankful that someone else is verifying that I had already left the restaurant before the gunfire erupted.

  Jacob assures me that with Billy Bragg's testimony he can ensure an acquittal by creating reasonable doubt.

  At almost noon on Thanksgiving Day, Jacob's cell rings.

  "Jacob Murray"

  "Jacob, Bill Hargess. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I knew you would want to know. Billy Bragg is dead, hung himself in his cell last night. Oh, and one more thing, when we searched his house, we found a large amount of cash, almost seventy thousand dollars."

  "Thanks Bill." Well that explains what happened to the cash Cybil had withdrawn on the morning she disappeared. Evidently Billy had taken it out of Frank Gibbon's truck at the restaurant. As long as he has the taped interview they will still be all right without Billy's live testimony.

  He has barely hung up with Bill when the phone rings again.

  "Jacob Murray"

  "Hey Jacob, it's Tom. We hit the jackpot. That dark sedan is on all of the security videos I examined. We even got a close up of the driver at The Bullet Trap in Bozeman. It was Sam "Iceman" Willard, professional hit man out of Philadelphia."

  A cold chill runs down Jacob's back. "Anything else?" he asks, his heart pounding with trepidation.

  "I have video of him taking Jana's Glock out of her console when she filled up with gas before leaving Bozeman" replies Tom.

  "Awesome," says Jacob. "Let me know if you can find out anything else about what Sam Willard is after. I need to make sure Jana is not in danger, Dani too."

  "The FBI is looking for him. I reported what I found so they are concentrating on the northwest now. I'll let you know if I hear anything else.

  "I'm going to need you in court on Monday morning, nine o'clock, Dillon Montana."

  "I'll be there," responds Tom.


  Jacob and I fly into Butte Montana and make the one hour drive into Dillon, Montana early on Monday morning driving straight to the court house. I am dressed conservatively in a black pantsuit and flats. My hair is in a neat chignon to portray a professional look. Jacob has briefed me on what to expect on this first day in court. Even though I have seen the video of his interview with Billy Bragg, I am still a nervous wreck, visibly shaking.

  When the judge enters the court room, my stomach turns over with anxiety. He looks downright intimidating. The charges are read and I am asked if I understand the charges against me and I answer that I do.

  The prosecutor stands and asks to approach the bench. Jacob joins him in front of the judge. The prosecutor then states, "Your Honor, in view of new evidence that was discovered over the last week, we would like to request a dismissal of all charges against Ms. Bowen."

  The judge looks at Jacob and asks, "Counselor?" A slow smile spreads across Jacob's face, "No objection, Your Honor."

  "Motion granted. Case dismissed!!" announces the judge as he slams his gavel down on the desk. He rises from his chair and exits the courtroom.

  I hear what the judge is saying but I am confused, what is happening here? Jacob is smiling and shaking hands with the prosecutor. What is going on? Where did the judge go?

  Smiling, Jacob walks over to the Defense table, grabs me around the waist and swings me around. "It's over, you're free!" he says happily.

  I have to place my arms on Jacob's shoulders to keep from falling. I am dizzy with relief. "I'm really free, it's over?"

  "You're really free. Come on, let's go get some lunch and I'll explain everything to you." says Jacob.

  Jacob and
I are joined at the restaurant by a tall, good looking man he introduces as Tom Christenson. Jacob tells me Tom is a private investigator and had a lot to do with what happened in court today.

  After we are seated and have placed our orders, Jacob looks at me and says, "Jana, when you left the hotel that morning in Casper, you were followed not only by Frank Gibbons but also by a man named Sam Willard. Have you ever heard of him?"

  "No. I'm confused. Should I know him?"

  "I didn't think you did. Evidently Sam was following Frank and not you. Anyway he trailed you and Frank for the whole time. Tom found surveillance video from several of your stops along the way that showed both Frank's blue pickup and Sam's dark four door sedan.

  When you stopped at The Bullet Trap in Bozeman you gave Sam the perfect opportunity to blame you when he murdered Frank which was his intention all along. Both of you played right into his hands with the argument inside the restaurant. Sam watched you practicing with your Glock at the Bullet Trap and he watched you put it in the console of your car when you left. Tom here found video of him breaking into your car when you stopped for gas and taking your Glock out of the console. That was the evidence the prosecutor needed to ask for the dismissal. He had to have an explanation how your gun got into somebody else's hands. Anyway, our theory is that Sam is the person that yelled at Frank and distracted him when he was attacking you in the parking lot. Frank was trying to get to his truck and his weapon when Sam shot him with your gun. He then tossed the gun in some bushes where it was found by the police linking you to the murder. He left the scene before anyone came out of the restaurant."

  "So that dark sedan really was following me? What made you check it out?"

  "Billy Bragg also mentioned a dark sedan driving by the restaurant real slow. Billy is the one that stole your blue tooth headset out of the console. He also said he didn't see a gun in the console when he was in your car. That's when we decided to look further" explains Jacob.

  "And where is this Sam person now?"

  Tom picks up the story "Sam isn't a nice person. He is wanted by the FBI for several murders and they have been searching for him for years. He is still on the run somewhere. We are still trying to locate him. Until we know for sure where he is, don't leave the ranch alone. We don't think he is after you, but the truth is, we don't know for sure what he is after."

  After lunch, Jacob shakes hands and says goodbye to Tom and then after a stop at the courthouse to pick up my Glock and the twenty thousand dollars from the sale of my house we head for the airport in Butte.


  Sam Willard slides down further in the seat of his car. He knew Jana Bowen's trial for the murder of Frank Gibbons was this morning and he has been waiting for them to exit the courthouse. He recognizes the man that is with her. He is the famous lawyer that represented that movie star, Barry Farrady, a few years ago. If he remembers correctly, he has a ranch near Cody Wyoming. That must be where she has the money hidden. That is the only reason Gibbons would have had for following her. He had searched Frank Gibbon's pickup at the restaurant in Dillon before he and the blonde came outside so he knows the money was not in the truck.

  No problem, he will mosey on down to Cody Wyoming and find the money wherever she has it hidden. He has all the time in the world.


  Jacob changes his clothes on the plane home. He dons jeans, boots, and a western shirt. He finally feels like himself again. He still can't believe he use to wear one of those monkey suits every day. Those ties are sheer torture!

  While he is changing he is wondering what Jana's next move will be. Will she pack up and head out of Cody tomorrow in pursuit of a home? Will she even think about Dani's feelings when she makes her decision? Until they know for sure about Sam Willard, he really doesn't want her to leave because she may be in real danger, but he can't make her stay.

  Yes, he is attracted to Jana. She is a beautiful woman and he would have to be dead not to be attracted to her, but what does it mean? Should he take a chance on pursuing a relationship or will that only expose Dani to more heartache if she stays now and leaves later? Offering her a position as Dani's nanny might keep her around at least until they know about Willard. Too many unanswered questions, he'll just have to play this one by ear.

  I am relieved to be out from under the pressure of the trial but now I have to decide what to do next. I love Dani and I can hardly bear to think about leaving the child. I know Dani's heart will be broken. She has been through so much in her short life and I don't want to add to her disappointments. At the same time, it is Jacob's home and he hasn't given me any indication that I would be welcome to stay on at the ranch now that the trial is over. I can't afford to forget about Sam Willard either. He sounds very dangerous and I am not sure I want to face him alone. I will just have to wait and see what develops. At least they gave me back my Glock and all of my money when the charges were dropped.

  Jacob takes the seat on the jet next to Jana and reaches for her hand. A streak of electrical energy zips through his veins when he touches her hand. He takes a deep breath enjoying the feeling for the first time and asks, "Happy?"

  I feel the charge of electrical energy zip through my veins and warmth spreads up my arm from where Jacob is holding my hand. I smile at him, "Relieved and a little apprehensive." What is going on? This is the first time Jacob has touched me in months!

  Jacob brushes his thumb across Jana's knuckles and hears her breath catch. "So what's next?" Yes, she feels the sexual attraction too. Good!

  I look into Jacob's eyes and see warmth in their depths, "I honestly don't know." My heart is pounding with excitement.

  Jacob says, "You know, Dani loves you and she's going to be devastated if you leave."

  I turn my head and look out the side window as tears cloud my eyes, "I know." My heart breaks every time I think about leaving the child.

  "Haven't you been happy at the ranch?" he asks.

  Surprised by the question, I look back at Jacob, the tears still visible in my eyes, "Of course, I love being at the ranch, and I love Dani too."

  Jacob sees the tears in Jana's eyes. "Would you consider staying then? You can be Dani's nanny. I'll even pay you. Please at least think about it." says Jacob. Please God, don't let her leave! He is definitely going to see where this strong sexual chemistry might lead.

  "All right, I'll think about it." Relief and joy flow over me at Jacob's words. He isn't going to make me leave, at least not yet.

  He raises her hand to his lips and brushes a light kiss across the knuckles and hears Jana's breath catch again. He smiles. Yes, he is looking forward to getting to really know Jana.


  When we get back to the ranch, I am surprised by champagne, a sumptuous dinner, and a cake to celebrate my good news.

  Jason pours champagne for the adults and apple juice for Dani. He then proposes the toast, "To freedom."

  Clinking flutes we all celebrate the end of my nightmare.

  Dinner is composed of all my favorites and the conversation flows smoothly. When Jenny brings desert of Devil's Food Cake, Jacob looks at me and says,

  'Jana, I have a proposal for you. To expand on what we discussed on the plane, I'd like for you to stay on at the ranch as Dani's nanny. I can pay you $5,000 a month plus room and board. Would that be acceptable?"

  My breath catches in my lungs and my heart is pounding with excitement. Wow! What an unbelievable offer! I look from Jacob's inscrutable expression to Dani's hopeful one and back to Jacob.

  "Jacob, you know I love Dani, but why now? Why are you offering me such a fantastic job now?"

  Jacob looks around at the four sets of eyes staring at him. His glance lingers on Dani and he smiles before traveling back to Jana. He responds,

  "Well, ethically, I couldn't have you as an employee at the same time I was representing you in a legal matter. Now that the legal matter is resolved and with the Sam Willard thing hanging over our heads, I want you to stay at th
e ranch, to think of the Rocking J as your home. Staying on as Dani's nanny is the perfect solution for all of us."

  He glances at Jenny and sees shock on her face. When he looks over at Jason, he sees his brother looking down at the table and shaking his head. When he looks at Dani he sees a tear slowly sliding down her cheek. Then he looks back at Jana.

  I am glaring at him, "You are such a pompous ass."

  Jason and Jenny burst out laughing. Dani smiles at Jana.

  Jacob is panicking now. He is supposed to be trained in persuasive techniques and up until now he hasn't ever had a problem getting his audience to agree with him. Damn! What now? He reaches over and takes Jana's hand in his. He feels the zing of sexual attraction. Slowly stroking his thumb across her knuckles he hears her inhale sharply and he says,

  "Look Jana, obviously I am making a mess of this." He feels a trickle of sweat down his back. "We all know how much Dani loves you. It will break her heart if you leave." He glances around looking for support from the others. His gaze returns to Jana and he takes a deep breath and releases it slowly then says, "The truth is I want you to stay, for me. You make me feel things that I haven't ever felt in my life and to be honest it scares me to death. I want the opportunity to explore these feelings with you and see where they lead. Please say you'll stay."

  After what seems like a lifetime to Jacob she smiles and says, "I'll stay."

  Jason, Jenny, and Dani all clap. Jacob brings my hand to his lips and places a gentle kiss on my palm. My stomach does a somersault at his kiss and warmth flows through all of my limbs.

  My heart is pounding with excitement. Jacob has special feelings for me? He feels the same excitement when we touch that I do? Wow! Come on baby, let's get this exploration started!

  Then, wait! Jana, are you sure you want to do this? What if you stay at the ranch and fall in love with the man? Will you be able to walk away if he decides he doesn't want you? Are you willing to risk everything? It could be a once in a lifetime chance. This man might be the man of your dreams. It could also totally destroy you. Hang on to your heart Jana! This could be a rough ride!